Saturday, September 1, 2007


So I've been toying with the idea of a writing career for some time. I guess I've never really pursued such because I've had a hard time believing in my capabilities. But a friend in the past few months has pushed me to ignore those insecure thoughts that have held me back. She's taught me that life is obtained in the pursuit. Very rarely are we given what we want. It comes at a price. And though that price may be high at times, it is worth the cost.

She's now on her way to Japan choosing to follow that very same advice. She'll spend the next year and seven months teaching little kids to speak English through an immersion program. She's nervous and saddened at the loss of those she's left behind but her heart is also challenged and excited at the opportunities that lie ahead. And I'm left wondering who will dare push me as hard as she had.

So I've decided to start a blog. This doesn't seem like much. As a matter of fact, it seems like very little. However, it's what I have time for. Books and articles take more attention and effort than I can give. My hope is that I can share my thoughts for anyone or no one so that I might have a venue in which to hopefully hone skills and express thoughts that might be hiding within. If you happen upon this blog, I hope I can offer you something worth reading and maybe a different perspective and something insightful. Thanks for reading.

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